How to Become an HMIS End User

We are happy to introduce our new HMIS training platform called TalentLMS. The platform will host all San Luis Obispo County Continuum of Care (CoC) HMIS Trainings as well as custom trainings offered by the CoC, including Coordinated Entry. 

HMIS Agency Administrators requesting access for new End Users will be required to create a TalentLMS account profile on behalf of the user. End Users will then complete the required HMIS training courses. The instructions below provide guidance on how to sign up for an account complete trainings.

New End User Process

Follow the steps below to guide yourself through the HMIS New End User Training process in TalentLMS. If you have any questions, please contact the HMIS Helpdesk at

Step 1: HMIS Agency Administrator Submit New End User Training Request

  1. HMIS Agency Administrator must create the end user profile in the TalentLMS website (https://hmis- and click the SIGNUP button at the top of the window.

    Complete the TalentLMS Sign Up form to create a TalentLMS account, including a valid and unique email address for both the HMIS Agency Administrator and the new End User, as well as the HMIS Participating Organization name.

    The new End User will receive a confirmation email with a link to verify their email address.

    1. Click on the link to verify the email address. (If the End User doesn’t immediately see this email, they should check their spam folder).
    2. This will then log them into TalentLMS.

Step 2: New End User Complete All Assigned Courses In TalentLMS

Upon receiving access to the TalentLMS ‘HMIS New End User Training’, new End Users will have 15-days to complete all required modules and pass quizzes. End Users have the ability to retake quizzes multiple times to reach a passing score.

All new End User’s will complete the ’01 –Clarity: HMIS New End User Orientation’ & ’02 – Clarity: Data Collection’ modules. Additional modules will be assigned based on the type of HMIS license requested and HMIS project type that the End User will be completing HMIS data entry in.

Step 3: HMIS New End User Training Completion

  1. Within 48 business hours of receiving the signed ‘HMIS End User Agreement’, SLO County HMIS Support will create the End User’s account in the HMIS Clarity live site. Login credentials will be emailed to the End User.
  2. End Users unable to complete training within the allotted 15-days must request an extension in order for their TalentLMS account to remain active.

Additional HMIS End User Training

End User’s may, periodically, be required to complete additional HMIS training, including, but not limited to, ‘Annual HMIS Privacy and Security Training’. Once assigned by the SLO County HMIS team, End User’s must complete the required training with 30-days to maintain HMIS access.

For continuous HMIS data entry &/or reporting support, the SLO County HMIS Support team has created several resources located on the SLO County HMIS Knowledge Base & Support Documentation site. (TIP -Bookmark this site for easy access!). End Users can also email the HMIS Helpdesk for assistance at

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