Report Library - Highlighted Reports
The Clarity Report Library has many reports to run to manage HMIS Client and Program Data. This article highlights a few of the SLO County HMIS Team favorites! The links in the article direct you to the full Bitfocus documentation of the highlighted report.
Program Roster - This is a list of clients by program! You can run it for a single program, or for multiple projects. It includes Client PII, including name, birth date and current age. It also includes enrollment entry and exit dates, as well as the clients length of stay in the project (LOS). For PH projects, it also includes the housing move in date (and it can be filtered on just the HoH)! Additionally, the report will provide a count of assessments, services, case notes and the assigned staff in the client enrollment! Finally it includes unit assignment information for projects utilizing the unit features in Clarity.
In the web format, you can select client name to be taken to a client profile screen in a new tab.