BHBH | Quarterly Report Dashboard

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Report Group Data Analysis
Report Type Dashboard
Documented Version 20241003
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This dashboard is intended to support the reporting process for agencies funded through the Behavioral Health Bridge Housing program.

Business Logic Considerations

  • To be considered a "BHBH participant," a client must have been enrolled in a project providing BHBH shelter or rental assistance services.
  • Clients only served through BHBH street outreach services are not considered "BHBH participants" and are excluded from all measures except #3.1.
  • Per guidance from the funder, the HMIS project type for the BHBH-funded project providing street outreach services is set to Supportive Services Only.

Filter Controls

Pre-Set Global Filters

The following filters are applied to every tile and cannot be changed by the end user.

Filtered Element Value(s) Impact
Custom — Enrollment is within Project Operational Period

[Enrollment Date] >= [Project Operation Start Date]

AND one of the following:

  • Project does not have an operation end date

  • [Enrollment Date] < [Project Operation End Date]
Used as a quality control to prevent the counting of enrollments that fall outside the project's operating period.

Interactive Filters

Interactive filters enable the end user to dynamically modify the scope of the data returned by the report.

Filter Name Behavior Applied To Usage Guidance
Reporting Period Filter Limits data set to those records associated with enrollments that overlapped with the selected period for at least one day. All tiles except those presenting "Served by Program(s) to Date" metrics N/A

Dashboard Tiles

The table(s) below detail the individual tiles present in the dashboard. Tiles are listed in order of appearance on the dashboard (from top-left to bottom-right). If applicable, sets of tiles are grouped by section, mirroring dashboard layout.

Unless otherwise indicated, there are two versions of each tile covered in this section. Within the dashboard, they can be differentiated by their names and relative position in each section:

  • Tiles with "In Period" in their names return data that is filtered according to the user's selections in the Reporting Period Filter. These are positioned on the left side of each dashboard section.

  • Tiles with "Project(s) to Date" in their names ignore the user's selections in the Reporting Period Filter to provide cumulative measures for the BHBH program. These are positioned on the right side of each dashboard section.

For every tile below, the following filter is applied unless otherwise indicated—


  • TMHA BHBH Rental Assistance

2. People Served

BHBH Measure Tile Name Visualization Description Embedded Filters
2.1 BHBH Participants Card
  1. Count of persons with an enrollment active during the measurement period

  2. Count of persons whose enrollment was initiated in the measurement period
Enrollment Is First Enrollment per Client (Filter Dependent) = "Yes": clients are only counted in metric 2.1.2 if their first active enrollment in the period was initiated within the period.
2.1 All Individuals Card Theoretically differs from BHBH Participants metric because inclusive of family members, but all SLO CoC BHBH projects serve only persons presenting as individuals. Enrollment Is First Enrollment per Client (Filter Dependent) = "Yes": clients are only counted in metric 2.1.2 if their first active enrollment in the period was initiated within the period.
2.2 Gender Selections Table Reports the number of BHBH participants that self-identified with each gender option. Clients may be counted in multiple categories. N/A
2.3 Sexual Orientation Table Reports the number of BHBH participants that self-identified with each sexual orientation option. Clients will only be counted in one category. N/A
2.4 Race/Ethnicity Selections Table Reports the number of BHBH participants that self-identified with each race/ethnicity option. Clients may be counted in multiple categories. N/A
2.5 Age at Enrollment Table Reports the number of BHBH participants by their age group as of project enrollment. Enrollment Is First Enrollment per Client (Filter Dependent) = "Yes": participants are categorized based on their age at their first enrollment.
2.6 Veterans Card Reports the number of BHBH participants that are identified as Veterans in HMIS. N/A
2.7 SUD/SMI Status Table

***Reference Only***

Breaks out count of BHBH participants according to behavioral health concerns.


3. Program Data Report — Service and Housing Delivery

BHBH Measure Tile Name Visualization Description Embedded Filters
3.1 Outreach Services Card
  • Count of persons engaged by BHBH street outreach services

  • Total number of engagements [Current Living Situation records]
  • Program: Health Agency BHBH Outreach and Engagement

  • Persons must have at least one Current Living Situation record associated with their enrollment for it to be included in either metric.
3.2 Shelter / Housing Provided Card

Separately for Shelter and Rental Assistance (RRH):

  • Persons served this quarter

  • Shelter / Housed* bed nights provided

*calculated starting from housing move-in date

This measure does not have a "Project(s) to Date" version.
3.3 Housing Stability Outcomes in Selected BHBH Housing Types Table Presents total number of BHBH participants housed to date and indicates whether they continue to be housed at different intervals following their move-in date.
  • This measure does not have an "In Period" version.

  • Program: TMHA BHBH Rental Assistance

  • Enrollment must have a Housing Move-in Date.

  • Enrollment Is First Enrollment per Client (Filter Dependent) = "Yes": measurements are taken based on client's earliest enrollment.
3.4 Vacancy Rates Table

Presents three metrics used to evaluate the rate of resource utilization:

  • Utilized Bed Nights in Period

  • Total Bed Inventory for Reporting Period

  • Unutilized Bed Night Capacity in Period
Utilization measurements for Rental Assistance (PH - Rapid Rehousing) are based on enrollment dates where a participant was marked as housed.
3.5 Housing Navigation Services Card

Looks for Service records typed "Housing Navigation" associated with BHBH participants' enrollments.

  • Unduplicated Participants Serve

  • Total Housing Navigation Encounters
Program: TMHA BHBH Rental Assistance
3.6 Exits By Destination Table Breaks out enrollments by their exit destination category.
  • Exit must have occurred in the measurement period being considered to be included.

  • Participants are categorized based on their most recent exit to facilitate deduplication.
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