PATH | Annual Report Data Quality

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HMIS Programming Specifications - PATH Annual Report


The PATH Data Completeness report is a Looker based report to ensure all required data elements are completed before the submission of the PATH Annual Report.  This report can be run any time for any time period.

When reviewing the report: 

  • Ensure that all required data elements are completed for clients with a date of engagement
  • The first contact/Current Living Situation is the date of program enrollment
  • All clients without contact greater than 60 days need to be exited for the date of last contact
  • Best practice to include a location of contact with client in the Current Living Situation when client located in Place Not Meant for Human Habitation

Filter Controls

Pre-Set Global Filters

The following filters are applied to every tile and cannot be changed by the end user.

Filtered Element Value(s) Impact
Program Funding Source - Funding Source HHS: PATH - Street Outreach & Supportive Services Only Limits data based on association to projects documented in HMIS as receiving PATH funding.

Interactive Filters

Interactive filters enable the end user to dynamically modify the scope of the data returned by the report.

Filter Name Behavior Applied To Usage Guidance
Reporting Period Filter Limits data set to those records associated with enrollments that overlapped with the selected period for at least one day. All tiles N/A
Program Name Limits data set to enrollments associated with the selected programs. All tiles N/A

Dashboard Tiles

The table(s) below detail the individual tiles present in the dashboard. Tiles are listed in order of appearance on the dashboard (from top-left to bottom-right). If applicable, sets of tiles are grouped by section, mirroring dashboard layout.

Program Summary

This section presents aggregate metrics relevant to PATH program management. These tables do not directly indicate the presence of issues; instead, they provide an opportunity for users to verify that the presented values generally align with program manager expectations.

Tile Name Description
PATH Project Engagement Summary

Displays three client counts reflecting different levels of engagement in the PATH program:

  • HMIS Project Enrolled Clients
  • PATH Program Enrolled Clients
  • Outreached Clients
Average Number of Contacts before PATH Enrollment

Calculated in two steps:

  1. Counts each of the following enrollment-associated events if they occurred before the PATH Enrollment Date:
    • CLS Records
    • Engagement
    • PATH Status Determination
    • PATH Services
  1. Divides the sum total of counted events by the deduplicated number of clients enrolled.
Average Days to PATH Enrollment Only includes records where the client has been PATH Enrolled. If the [PATH Enrollment Date] is earlier than the [Project Start Date], the value is set to zero days.

Data Completeness & Consistency Issues

Each detail table in this section pertains to a specific (set of) PATH Annual Assessment metrics. All records considered by the metric(s) in question are included in the detail tables. Users should specifically attend to records with highlighted / non-zero values in the DQ Errors column. Each table is sorted in descending order for DQ Errors column. Columns to the right of the DQ Errors column identify the specific issues found.

Tile Name Description
Q8-Q16 | PATH Specific Elements

Flags missing data & logical errors for the following PATH elements:

  • PATH Status Determination
  • PATH Enrollment
  • PATH Reason Note Enrolled
Q19-Q24 | Income & Health Insurance Flags missing data for income and health insurance assessment fields.
Q26 | Demographics & Assessment Details

Flags missing data errors for the following HUD Universal Data Elements:

  • Gender
  • Race/Ethnicity
  • Date of Birth
  • Disabling Condition Y/N
  • Specific disabling condition details
  • Prior Living Situation and Length of Time Homeless (HMIS 3.917 elements)
  • Domestic Violence Experience

Potential Data Accuracy Issues

These tables highlight records may need to be exited. Users should review records with flagged long-term length of stay or non-contact periods to determine if an exit or update is appropriate.

Tile Name Description
Accuracy Review - PATH Data and Days Since Entry Detail table of all PATH enrollments that flags records where the client has been enrolled for 730+ days.
Accuracy Review - Days Since Outreach Detail table of all PATH enrollments that flags records where contact has not been reported for 60+ days.

Reference-Only Detail Tables

These tables are presented to allow users to explore their PATH Annual Assessment data in more detail. They do not contain and accuracy or completeness flags, but users may cross-check the data against external documentation if desired.

Tile Name Description
Q17 | Services Provided Detail Detail table that shows each documented PATH service provided during the reporting period.
Q18 | Referrals Provided Detail table that shows each documented PATH referral provided during the reporting period.
Q25 | Destination at Exit Detail table that shows the HMIS exit destination information for all enrollments that were exited during the reporting period and how these get mapped to the relevant PATH destination categories.
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